Monday, October 22, 2012

Take that doc!

So yesterday I accomplished something I have been dreaming about since I was first diagnosed with Lupus--I ran a 5K.  :)

2 1/2 years ago, when I was diagnosed my rheumy bluntly told me I would never be able to walk, let alone run, 3 miles again.  I told him he's never seen what my God can do.  Yesterday, by God's grace, I ran/walked 3 miles.  WOOT!!!

Also, I started my Paleo diet yesterday in the hopes that it will help make my Lupus better.

Today was Day #2.

Today here's what I've eaten thus far....

Breakfast:  Chicken/bacon/broccoli egg stir-fry.  Amanda Scale of Yumminess (on a scale of 1-10):  6.

Lunch:  Chicken/bacon salad. Amanda scale of Yumminess? 9

Snacks (not necessarily eaten after lunch):  handful of almonds, handful of walnuts, a couple bananas, and I may or may not have had a dark chocolate bar.  lol

Supper:  Chicken/broccoli stir-fry.  Amanda Scale of Yumminess?  A BILLION!!!

Here's what ya do it:

Take some chicken.  Drizzle olive oil on it, then put on a bunch of seasonings (garlic powder, salt, pepper).  Cut it up into little pieces.  Cook it.

Then put the chicken on a plate, put in whatever veggies you want....drizzle those in olive oil and garlic powder.  Cook them until they're done.

Put the chicken back into the pan, and add in a handful of almonds.  Cook for 90 seconds or so.'ve just made perhaps one of the yummiest dishes I've eaten in a very long time.

I keep on expecting to experience this "carb flu" that everyone talks about--where my body goes through withdraw from all of the bread, pasta, and processed food I've been consuming.  So far all I've experienced is an extreme thirst.  Oh, and I had a REALLY bad headache this morning.  But other than that, I still feel normal.  :)

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