Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Cravings

It never ceases to amaze me when you go on a "diet", as to what I crave. When I first got diagnosed with a cheese allergy, the only thing I craved was mac n' cheese. Ah, how much I miss it! It's the one thing in the world that I still struggle with watching people eat to this day. I don't mind watching people eat pizza believe it or not. I definitely would like to be able to eat that cheesey goodness again, but I can handle watching people eat it. It's mac n' cheese that I literally can't watch. The smell of it, the feel of it....Hmmmm.

But since my GF diet started the things I have been craving are as follows:
--The Angel Hair spaghetti from Walmart...the one that costs a whopping 94 cents.
--Tuna Helper, brocilli kind.
--Hot dog WITH a bun :)

And....that's actuallly all of it. There's some things I'd like to be able to eat, but those are the three biggies. The ones that I went to bed dreaming of one day being able to eat.

Well, at my second opinion appointment my doctor raised a very valid point. She said that in order to be 100% sure it's the GF diet that is helping relieve my symptoms, and not some weird coincidence, I need to go onto a regular diet for a month...and then go on the GF diet again for a month. And repeat this process twice, all the while taking a very detailed journal of my symptoms.

So here I am. Back on a regular diet. And what have I eaten today? Had tuna helper for lunch today, and am now devouring some very yummy spaghetti. :-) I had a few oreos after breakfast. I also have plans to go to a pot luck with some friends....in which there will be yummy hotdogs. With buns. :-)

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