Thursday, April 22, 2010

I realized I haven't blogged in a while. I have recently found myself with extraordinary amounts of free time, due to a reoccurring high fever that just won't leave me alone.

I started running a fever Saturday, and can't seem to get rid of it. I went to the doctor's Monday and was diagnosed with strep. I got some medicine, took it faithfully, and....still have a high fever. Yesterday was the worst, it got all the way up to 103.8!

Needless to say, I am starting to go stir-crazy. I haven't really left the house from fear of passing my germs to some poor, innocent, kid who doesn't deserve to be sick. I would rather be selfish with my germs and not share them with poor little Billy Bob who is 5 years old.

All of this extra time has allowed me to reach a few conclusions. The first being that I am going to put myself on the same running plan I did 2 years ago when I first started running. It worked then, so I see no reason why it would not work now.

When I had first started running, I asked around to see what a good running plan would be for someone who hadn't really ran before. Everyone I talked to seemed to point to something that was called "From Couch Potato to 5K Runner's Plan".

I highly suggest this plan to anyone who wants to get into running. It works.

The second decision that I have made, is that I am going to put myself on a gluten-free diet for 30 days to see if it helps control my Lupus at all. I plan to start this diet as soon as I can go a full 24 hours without a fever. Which hopefully is soon.

Anyways, it's time for my nap. Have a wonderful day!

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