Monday, July 9, 2012

Bob the Tomato

So if you've known me for any period of time, you're well aware my thoughts can be both deep and random simultaneously. You'll also know that I have a tendency to become so focused on said thoughts that I miss turns while driving (Ex: I was late to Sunday school this past Sunday) and I will toss and turn while thinking through said thoughts.

The past few days I've been thinking about football games, character, apple trees, and a friend of mine whom we'll call Bob* (short for Bob the Tomato off of Veggie Tales).

There are many different people you come across as you journey through this venture called life. You'll find those who are too stuck up on themselves to notice the world around them...those whose only goal in life is to succeed at the American dream. You'll find those who are in various stages of life, but are oh so unhappy with where they are. You'll find the unhappy mother who cries herself to sleep, because her husband left her for another woman. You'll find young girls having sex with their boyfriend because they've never been shown what true love is. You'll find different things, because people are different.

It is a very rare occurance when you meet someone whose love for God is so full that it overflows--it overflows into how that person carries themseves, how they interact with people, how they care for others, and how they handle the curve balls of life.

Now I'm not talking about any regular Christian here, I'm talking about the one you WANT to be around because you feel simply by being around them that you'll somehow be closer to God. I'm talking about the one who doesn't talk about how important it is to have a personal relationship with Jesus, but the one who actually has a relationship so deep he/she can't help but talk about the greatest love story of all time.

Our churches are filled with "regular Christians". Sometimes I fear many of our pastors are "regular Christians". Regular Christians know all of the Bible answers...heck, regular Christians go to church faithfully EVERY Sunday.

Regular Christians are like fans at a a football game. They go because the team (in this case, God) is doing well. They're being blessed by their teammate; therefore, they go to the game. They might be daring enough to even attend a game in a bit of rain or snow. But the moment the team starts to lose, or the moment God allows some icky stuff to creep into their life...they stop going to the game.

They might attend church every now and then simply not to raise eyebrows...after all, they don't want people to think poorly of them. Just like fans at a football game, being a regular Christian is focused all on you.

Now Bob......Bob's not your regular Christian. I had the privilage of talking with Bob for a while this past week. I'd mention his name, but from what I know about him I don't think he'd like that too much. Just like a devoted Christian, he wants it to be all about God-not about himself.

Bob's love and adoration for Christ runs so deep that's it's contagious. If you wanna stay as a regular Christian, I highly suggest not hanging around Bob. He should come with a warning sign that reads "I love Jesus". His character is so deeply grounded in the scriptures that it makes you speechless.

I'm not sure what has happened to our American churches, but I know there's a problem.  And I know that problem needs fixed.  Unfortunately, this type of problem won't be fixed with hammers or screwdrivers, because it's a problem of the heart. 

Our churches are filled with regular Christians who proclaim they love Jesus, but yet fail to live it out.

Granted, I've never followed Bob around 24/7, but I'd say it's safe to say that his Bible never leaves his side except for short periods of time.  Because his Bible his is access to learning more about the God whom he loves so dearly.  His Bible is an extension of his God. 

I wish more Christians were like Bob the Tomato.

*Bob the Tomato is not his name; in fact, his name isn't even Bob.  Just wanted to point that out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear your hanging out with "Bob". I always wish that for my children because the Bobs of this world makes us all better Christians!
