So if you've talked with me at all within the past 2 weeks, you'll hear all about two things:
1--I'm doing my VERY FIRST 5K since my Lupus diagnosis this Sunday!!! I'm so stokes. I am unbelievably nervous about it though. Mainly because I haven't finished my training program Lupus flared a bit and I felt it best to scale back on the training program. So I doubt my time will be as amazing as it used to be, but I'm going to cross that finish line even if I have to crawl.
2--The Paleo Diet, the great Dr. Jean Seignalet, and how both relate to my Lupus.
One of my good friends started the Paleo diet and mentioned to me how the Paleo diet helps autoimmune diseases.
If you've never heard of it before, basically you can only eat meats, vegetables, and fruit--no processed food, no grain (breads, pastas), and no dairy.
I've never been one to take someone's word for truth until I study it myself. So I ran across this video:
The site itself didn't really look like the most trustworthy site, so I checked into it some more.
Then I came across this site:
Much more noteworthy, and they saved me time from tracking down the doctor mentioned in the first video. So then I did a Google search on Dr. Jean Seignalet....sure enough, he exists...he did this study...and it appears to work.
So yours truly is going to do a very strict Paleo diet, and cut out all tomatoes, etc. as well.
I already know from past experience that going gluten-free helps..I'm curious as to how I'll feel after with no dairy, no grains (including potatoes!), and no processed food. Minus the no diary, it sounds extremely healthy for you.
I'm going to start said diet on Sunday--right after my race. I would do it before, but I don't want to "shock" my body before one of the most noteworthy events of my life since my diagnosis. Didn't seem like the most intelligent thing to do.
I rationed out what I figured I'd eat throughout the rest of the week, and I just gave away the rest of my non-Paleo food that I won't be able to eat before Sunday. It amazes me at the amount of stuff I had. I ended up giving a bunch to three different people, and all three people commented on how I had so much food. The picture shows only part of it--that's not including everything in my fridge and freezer.
Anyways...I'll be sure to keep you updated on how things go. I'm planning on documenting my progress, much like a journal on a semi-regular basis. I'm going to shoot for once a day, or at least 5 times/week. I'll be sharing what I'm eating, how good the recipes taste, how to make said recipes, and how I'm feeling.
From my understanding, when I first start the diet I'll experience the "carb flu"--a withdraw from all of the sugary and processed foods. Apparently I'll have a headache, be tired, and feel yucky. But if this helps with Lupus, a couple weeks of yuckiness will be worth it in the end.
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