So funny story...
I went grocery shopping a couple weeks ago (a week or so after being put on Plaquenil) and bought close to 50 dollars worth of groceries. I had been having so many problems with fatigue and painful knees that I just had not felt up to shopping before then. I definitely was down to the bare-necessities. I somehow managed to leave all of my bags of groceries there, with the exception of two bags...
I didn't realize it until I arrived home, and started unpacking my groceries. I searched my whole entire car wondering where the rest of my food was. Lol. I felt like an idiot when I called the store back asking if the bags were there. At least he Customer Service lady was nice.
I went back to the store, got my bags, and went home. It was once I arrived at home that I realized that I had left my wallet at the Customer Service desk. *sigh* So I went back to the store for a third time, only to leave my car keys at the Service desk.
Needless to say, this has been happening to be very frequently lately. I have went from having the memory of an elephant to having problems remembering where I am supposed to be two hours from now.
I went to my doc and told him about this whole thing. Apparently this could either be Lupus causing my memory loss, or the Plaquenil. He took me off the medicine for two weeks to find out which one was the culprit.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm hoping it's the Plaquenil. THAT is easily fixed. If Lupus is causing this, then I'm going to be senile at the age of 21. Awesome.
Anyways, I'll keep ya'll posted.
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